Each of Our Actions Has An Impact on The Collective. Let’s Use This Understanding As Our Compass.

For Everything To Be In Alignment With The Highest Good of All.

Worlds Coming Together

As the CEO of the unconventional language & integration solutions UNUmondo and very much devoted to healing and spirituality, I long thought I lived in two worlds. Fully integrating them both led me to recognize their inherent unity and the power that comes with this wholeness.

With my experience of more than 7 years in entrepreneurship, and more than 12 rich years in relationship work, healing, energy work, and with my clairvoyance, I am here to guide you in a very wholesome way.

  • All business or organisation related questions can be addressed. In case I don’t have the required knowledge, I get it from the spirit realm.

    With my clairvoyance I see what topic has priority, which makes the sessions very efficient and effective.

    These sessions also include me seeing the energetic field of the company, how to resolve blockages, whether there are priorities or opportunities, and whether something needs to be addressed with a specific team or person.

    Usually it requires inner work from the founder or CEO, as you have the biggest impact on the company

  • My biggest passion is to support people with a strong influence on their surrounding.

  • Most couples are not aware of the depth of intimacy and connection they can live, of the growth, healing and expansion they can experience.

    With any situation that you bring with, I’ll be able to see the hindering relationship dynamic, where both of your feelings and behaviors stem from and what both need in that specific case.

    We’ll uncover the energetics within the relationship, the energetic field of the relationship, notice whether there are cords or any other blockages and open up doors for your unique potential.

  • As every aspect, person, object has its energetic field, working with it will have an effect on the physical aspect of that respective area. Blockages can be removed, patterns can be understood and resolved, etc.

    This includes a variety of ways to work with energies:

    • clearing apartments, offices, objects, people from energetic impurities

    • working with and in the energetic fields of companies, teams, relationships, aspects of our lives

    • working with our personal energetic field in relation to our surrounding (people and places)

Relationship & Pricing

My role is to call you forward into your next level of being your true self and of your leadership in your life, your business, your community, your relationships. Whatever comes up on that path, I’ll support you to move through it and expand profoundly.

We might start with a single consultation and it could already be enough for what you need. We can work regularly, intensively or even extend to several years of ongoing support, online and/ or offline.

Working together can include ongoing support via whatsapp/ Telegram for adhoc guidance or clarity.

The price will be defined after the first free 15 min conversation. My pricing is individualised, based on the case, the financial situation and my personal involvement. 

How I Work

Every session starts with me checking whether something is energetically blocking the work we are about to do.

If everything is cleared I will have a look into the energetic field of the person, the team/couple or the organisation I am working with, whether something needs to be prioritized.

If not, we will dive into the topic you bring with you.

The variety of what’s possible in one session is wide. This can include finding a pragmatic down to earth solution for the issue you are coming with, receiving guidance from the spirit realm, we’ll quickly see if it’s time for an inner transformation and upleveling to see change on the outside, we might go into inner child healing, as most of our behavior stems from how we grew up, or we unravel relationship and behavior dynamics.

You will always leave the session with at least more clarity and more inner peace. If that’s not the case, we are not finished with the session ;)

Get In Touch

I have great experts in my field, so in case I am not the right one for you, please reach out anyways and I might be able to recommend someone.

In any case, I am happy to hear from you.
